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Training Contract - September 2026 - Dawson Cornwell

Training Contract - September 2026 - Dawson Cornwell

Dawson Cornwell
locationLondon, UK
PublishedPublished: Published 2 months ago
Full time
not stated
not stated
Role CommencementWithin 2 years
SRA QWE competencesApplying critical thinking and analysis (SRA competences A5) | Applying legal principles (SRA competences A4) | Clear Oral and Written Communication (SRA competences C1) | Client relationships (SRA competences C2) | Learning from practice and other people (SRA competences A2) | Legal Drafting (SRA competences B4) | Legal Research (SRA competences B2) | Opportunity to gain feedback from effective supervision (SRA competences A3) | Project/case management (SRA competences B7) | Technical legal practice (SRA competences B1) | Self-management (SRA competences D1) | Working in professionally regulated environment (SRA competences A1) | Professional workplace relationships (SRA competences C3)

Our next vacancy for a training contract is September 2026. The deadline for applications is 31st July 2025.

We are a niche family law firm and we do not recommend you apply unless you wish to have a career in family law.

We offer a two year training contract at Dawson Cornwell which will comprise a seat in matrimonial law and a seat in international children law.

A large number of our trainee solicitors are taken on as assistants in the firm after qualification. Even if they are not, they have the advantage of having acquired significantly more experience in family law than trainees in other high profile firms.

Our trainees are encouraged to think about how they might develop their own client base after qualification and are supported in this.

Our minimum requirements
A 2.1 degree (not necessarily law); and
A family law elective as part of the degree or Legal Practice Course; and
Computer literacy
Fluency in a second language is an advantage, though not a requirement.

You are required to have passed both your GDL and LPC or both SQE1 and SQE2 before the proposed start date of the training contract. We regret we do not provide funding for the course fees.

We evaluate and shortlist all applications after the deadline for submission has passed so please do not expect to hear from us before then, other than an acknowledgment. Those shortlisted will be invited to attend an interview, followed by a second interview, if successful.

Click apply for more details and how to apply

Practice area

  • Family law
  • Child care law

Required degree level

  • Law degree/GDL/CILEX level 6 or equivalent
  • Non-law degree
  • Passed SQE 1
  • Passed SQE 2

Years of experience

  • not stated

Salary range

  • not stated