Financial support and widening access schemes
Let's face it, we don't live in a meritocracy but there are some great schemes out there striving to overcome barriers for candidates wanting to enter the legal profession. We at LawQWE think these schemes are a fantastic way for the profession to become a more diverse equal playing field for everyone, whatever their background.

What kind of assistance is out there?
Whether you need financial help to complete your studies or support so you can work with disadvantaged communities in social justice areas of law, there is help here specifically for you. There are schemes offering scholarships and financial help to complete your studies. There are also programs that support you if you have a passion for social justice and human rights and want to work and qualify in these areas of law.
- Scholarships - Mentoring - Financial support - Support for women entering the profession - Support to work and qualify in social welfare law
Support to work and qualify in socially conscious areas of law with disadvantaged communities
These schemes support candidates who choose to work and qualify in social welfare law working with disadvantaged communities. Take a look at some of these schemes that will support you in a career advancing access to justice.

Social Welfare Solicitors Qualification Fund
This is an initiative by the City of London Law Society, BARBRI and Young Legal Aid Lawyers (‘YLAL’) to provide financial assistance to aspiring solicitors working in social welfare law for organisations serving disadvantaged communities.

Justice First Fellowship
If you are passionate about using the law to deliver social justice, and you are looking for a fantastic opportunity to complete your training and move on to the next stage in a career advancing access to justice, then the Justice First Fellowship is for you.

Financial assistance schemes
These schemes are for those whose finances are a barrier to completing their legal education.

Inderpal Rahal Memorial Trust
Following the tragic death of young barrister, Inderpal Rahal, a charitable trust has been established in her memory to enable women experiencing financial hardship to further their legal education. The awards are made towards undertaking or pursuing Bar or solicitors' exams, pupillage, solicitors' training, or other legal placement or research in the UK or abroad.

Linklaters - Making Links Scholarship
The Making Links Scholarship is designed to help socially mobile students fulfil their potential and access a career in law. This scholarship provides students going into their second year of university with £6,000 in financial support, a week of work experience and one-to-one coaching. Conditions apply. Most recent application window - opens 31 March 2025 and closes 5 June 2025.

Government postgraduate loans
Not specifically a financial assistance scheme but government postgraduate loans can support those needing to undertake Masters level study to progress in their legal career.

Diversity and inclusion financial and widening access schemes
These schemes try to address some of the barriers faced by aspiring lawyers from less advantaged backgrounds which will lead to a more socio-economically diverse legal profession.

10000 Interns Foundation
"Because talent is everywhere, but opportunity is not." The Foundation champions underrepresented talent and promotes equity of opportunity and experience. Its runs a paid internship programme for Black students and graduates, and students with disabilities, has an alumni community of over 7000, and runs a training and development programme for interns and participating organisations. Applications for internships open in September each year.

Anthony Walker bursary scheme
A collaboration between the Anthony Walker Foundation, National Black Crown Prosecution Black and the CPS which provides mentoring, shadowing and bursaries for Black, Asian or minority ethnic law students studying in the North West or Merseyside region.

Aspiring Solicitors
Aspiring Solicitors was founded in 2013 to remove barriers to legal career entry for under-represented groups, and increase meritocracy and inclusion in the profession.

City Century Solicitor Apprenticeships
City Century is a a collaboration of over 50 City of London law firms, led by the City of London Law Society. Their goal is to empower students from diverse backgrounds to pursue a career as a solicitor via the solicitor apprenticeship (non-graduate/school leaver) route in City of London and other major cities' law firms. A debt-free option where you can earn while you learn.

Law Society of England and Wales Diversity and Access Scheme
The Diversity Access Scheme (DAS) is a unique scholarship programme, designed to address key barriers to the solicitors’ profession faced by those from less advantaged backgrounds.

Law Society of England and Wales Project Rise
Project Rise is a cross-firm enterprise initiated by the Law Society’s Disabled Solicitors Network (DSN), that seeks to encourage more part-time training opportunities to be offered in the legal sector. Find out which firms offer part-time training contracts that support this initiative.

Local Law Societies
Some local law societies are open to applications for discretionary grants for e.g. education materials, course fees and related study costs from eligible applicants. Eligibility varies but often requires the applicant to live in the area, be studying towards a professional legal qualification and be experiencing exceptional hardship.

Legal Social Mobility Fund (formerly Aspiring Solicitors Foundation)
The Legal Social Mobility Fund (formerly ASF) was established by the founder of Aspiring Solicitors, Chris White. We believe that everyone, no matter their background, should have the means to access a career in the legal sector. That is why we offer financial support to eligible candidates to assist their ambitions to further their law career.

Linklaters - Get Ahead & Going Forward schemes
Get Ahead is a development programme, targeted at Black and other underrepresented groups, to help them succeed in the early stages of their career. Going Forward is a tailored development programme to help talented individuals from refugee backgrounds succeed in their legal journey. Successful candidates will take part in a bespoke virtual commercial awareness series, access one-to-one coaching and build a relationship with a dedicated buddy. Most recent application rounds for both schemes - open 3 March 2025 and close 5 June 2025.

GROW Mentoring
GROW is a registered charity aiming to advance social mobility, diversity and inclusion in the legal profession. We are increasing access to law through mentorship and community.

PRIME Commitment
PRIME is an alliance of law firms across the UK and the Republic of Ireland determined to improve access to, and socio-economic diversity within, the legal profession.

Strive is a social mobility charity, founded in 2018 and helped over 500 students accelerate their training contract application journeys.